This is the perfect place to spend family gatherings like birthdays, family outing or even your barkada's chill party.
This cold spring in Nabas Aklan is a perfect for the summer season. Why not? If you're in Boracay Island and looking for the place to go (side trip). This is the better place to go!
Do you want to stay here for a night? check agoda for the best price of hotels/inn nearby.
They have 4 feet and 7 feet deep water (for adults) and for kids as well (like mini pool). If you have kids with you just keep your eye open to them. Just to be sure that your kid won't go to the deepest one.
I've spent my day in Hurom Hurom to celebrate my cousin's birthday. We really enjoyed our day celebrating with 3 of my cousins and 2 cousin's niece. A full fun celebrations with some friends.
They sing like no tomorrow and the boodle fight (we ate in a banana leaf) with tons of foods seafoods, grilled chicken, letchon (roast pig), cakes and alot more.
Entrance Fee: P30.00
Cottages P150-P200
If you want to go and thinking your'e not familiar with the place you may contact SouthWest Travel & Tours they can help and provide you a Professional Tour Guide and service going and return to Caticlan jetty port.
Don't forget to SHARE on your friends about Hurom-Hurom Laserna Nabas Aklan
Truck line # (036) 268-5100 |
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